Saturday, September 8, 2012

Tree Plantation Tips - How to Plant a Tree

Planting a tree is not just digging the soil and put the tree sapling in it. Tree planting is an art of giving rebirth to the tree saplings. Still some of us do not aware on the proper way to plant and maintain the trees. Here are some tips for planting the tree saplings.

1.  Selection of the right time to plant a tree is very important. Do not prefer summer or late summer for planting the trees. Always prefer early rainy season for planting trees. This climate will be more suitable for newly planted trees.
2. Selection of the right place for tree plantation is the next step. The space required for the trees should be considered based on the type of the trees and its growth in the future.
3. Preparation of the hole: Digging the hole for tree plantation is to be considered for better growth and survival of the tree. The hole should be too deeper or short / too wider or narrow. Proper width and height of the hole will increase the survival fitness of the trees. The hole should be 3 times wider than the diameter of the actual root ball of the tree sapling.
4. Planting the tree: The soil attached with the root ball of the tree should not be removed and it should be planted in the hole along with the tree sapling. While filling the hole, the soil which was taken last from the ground should be filled in the hole. This helps to maintain the required moisture and temperature required for the root ball of the tree. Use some compost with the soil to fill the hole. If the quality of the soil is not good, then this compost will be more beneficial to increase the richness of the soil. Applying some organic mulch around the tree will increase the quality of the soil and protect the tree from soil erosion.
5. Water the tree after the plantation: Watering the newly planted tree will set the soil in the hole and eliminate the air from the hole. 4 litres of water for a 15 cm tree is enough ensure its survival in the ground. The watering should be continued at least for one year for the road side trees which are plated only for the purpose of shade. Watering should be continued on weekly basis (Weekly twice or thrice for one year) for these types of trees. Water daily for the trees which are planted for the purpose of fruits and flowers and this can be continued till the life of the tree.

Tree Plantation Tips
How to Plant a Tree - Tree Plantation Tips
 Hope this article on Tree Plantation is useful for you. We welcome your support and suggestions for Tree Plantation.
"Plant Trees = Save Nature"


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