Friday, July 13, 2012

Indian economy is in Crisis!! What can you do as an Indian?

Hope you all aware of the status of Indian Economy. The economic downturn affects many industries in India. If we don’t take any proper step, then the Indian economy will be in critical situation. What can we do to control this situation of the Indian economy downturn?
Cool drinks which costs around 80 paisa is selling in India for 10 rupees. The actual profit is sending to international organizations who are the actual producers of these cool drinks and other beverages. It drains the economy of India. Isn’t it?
Not only the cool drinks such as Pepsi, Coke, etc but also other commercial products including cosmetics products, tea, snacks and other beverages. Instead of these cool drinks from the international market, you can find some other alternatives. Obviously India is not against the multinational organizations. But we also should consider our status of Indian economy. You can make the change. You can help the Indian economy from the crisis. Yes, “Together we can change the Nation”. How? What can you do for this?

Buy only Indian products manufactured and produced by the Indian companies.
Each 1 rupee from each Indian can help the Indian economy. You can find some of the alternative products of for the international brands.
Instead of buying the international brands, you can buy our Indian brands which are completely made in India. Each Indian can make a big change by purchasing Indian products. We are not against to international brands. But as an Indian, we should help the economy of India. Please remember some of the countries that attained economic freedom such as Russia, Mexico and Korea. Economic Independence is more important than the political freedom.
It is obvious that we cannot consider all the above Indian products, but for the sake of country, we should try to help the economy.
Be Indian! Buy Indian!!

Please share this article and spread the awareness to all Indians. As an Indian, we should share!!!

Contribution: Pillars of India



  1. Please everyone share this in your Facebook, Twitter and Google + accounts and make this campaign as successful. Also you can comment here about the Indian product which you r using or yet to use. This May motivate others to use Indian products. Jaihind

  2. Really its a great post keep up your good work. I am using some indian brand products so i am doing bit to improve our indian economy. Please everyone buy indian products and improve our economy.

  3. Great Mr.Saravanan!! You r a real Indian!!


Pillars of India