Sunday, July 29, 2012

Malliyankuppam Anganvadi inauguration by Lions Club of Anna nagar with Pillars of India & Arani ExNoRa - A brief history

 Be Good, Say Good and Do Good!

“Together We Can Change The Nation!!”

The villagers, President, Vice President and Ward members of Malliyankuppam village panchayat submitted a letter through the Headmistress of Malliyankuppam Panchayat Union Primary School for the Anganvadi toilet facilities. 

The Village Education Committee (VEC) also passed a resolution to construct new Anganvadi toilet, renovate the class room and make drinking facilities. 

Mr. C. Selvam, President of Malliyankuppam and Mr. D.Krishnan, Vice President of Arani Town Panchayat sought help for Anganvadi construction, renovation, painting and drinking facilities.
Pillars of India and Arani ExNoRa seriously felt immediate need. The same feel realized by all Pillars and ExNoRans. Letter from Village Education Committee was forwarded to the President and members of “Lions Club of Anna Nagar” through the Pillars of India and Arani ExNoRa. 

The President MJF Ln. Mr.S.Baskar, Secretary Ln. Mr. A. Balasubramaniam and Treasurer Ln. Mr. Vigneshwaran of “Lions Club of Anna Nagar” have taken immediate step to solve the issue within a week. The above dignitaries inspected Anganvadi and accepted to construct toilet, bathroom, painting in Anganvadi class room after the discussion with their colleagues. 

After 15 days work, the renovated Anganvadi and newly constructed toilet was inaugurated by Lion PMJF. Dr. T.A.S. Ramamurthy (District Governor of Lions Club) at 9am on 28.07.2012 (Saturday). 

MJF Ln. M.Sadasivam (District Chairperson Activities, Lions Club), Ln. S.B. Venkataraman (Region Chairperson, Lions Club), MJF Ln. A.N.Balasubramaniam (Zone Chairperson, Lions Club) and Ex. Presidents of “Lions Club of Anna Nagar” also participated.  Ln. Mr. Manikkam and Ln. Mr. Baskar encouraged the efforts of the President MJF Ln. Mr.S.Baskar, Secretary Ln. Mr. A. Balasubramaniam and Treasurer Ln. Mr. Vigneshwaran of “Lions Club of Anna Nagar”. 

Program arrangements made under the heads of P.Suresh (President, Arani ExNoRa), Balaji Jayaram (President, Pillars of India) with team members M.R. Gopal, Deva, Veera, Sathish, Saravanan, Mannis Murali, Utham Kumar, Suresh Thomas, Ragupathy, Sakthidasan, Dilliraj, N.S.Pavithra and Reporter Sureendhar. 

Thanks for the support of Anganvadi Teachers, Village President, Vice President and ward members of Malliyankuppam. 

There is no doubt, today is the day of “Lions Club of Anna Nagar” in their milestone. 

Few memorable moments  

Sunday, July 22, 2012

General Medical Camp at Arani By Sathya Sai Seva Samithi

Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Arani, conducted a general medical camp at Arani on 22 July 2012 (Sunday). More than 500 people have participated in the General medical camp which was held at Primary School (North), Arani. Around 330 patients were benefited by this free medical camp. The volunteers from Pillars of India and Arani ExNoRa jointly contributed their service to the people of Arani. 

The quote, strongly contribute by Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi is “Love all, Serve all. Help ever, Hurt never”. The quote was lightening in the hearts of everyone who were participated in the general medical check program.

 Moreover, the Pillars of India is very proud to intimate that we are going to conduct a Blood donation camp at Arani with the collaboration of “Go India Foundation, Arani” on August 15, 2012 at Primary School (South), Arani. We kindly request you to join with us and give your support to save so many livings who are in the requirement of blood.  

Some moments of Free Medical Camp, Conducted by Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Arani are presented here for you. 

Please give your views, suggestions and support to Pillars of India to enhance our service for the people of Arani. Jaihind!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Indian economy is in Crisis!! What can you do as an Indian?

Hope you all aware of the status of Indian Economy. The economic downturn affects many industries in India. If we don’t take any proper step, then the Indian economy will be in critical situation. What can we do to control this situation of the Indian economy downturn?
Cool drinks which costs around 80 paisa is selling in India for 10 rupees. The actual profit is sending to international organizations who are the actual producers of these cool drinks and other beverages. It drains the economy of India. Isn’t it?
Not only the cool drinks such as Pepsi, Coke, etc but also other commercial products including cosmetics products, tea, snacks and other beverages. Instead of these cool drinks from the international market, you can find some other alternatives. Obviously India is not against the multinational organizations. But we also should consider our status of Indian economy. You can make the change. You can help the Indian economy from the crisis. Yes, “Together we can change the Nation”. How? What can you do for this?

Buy only Indian products manufactured and produced by the Indian companies.
Each 1 rupee from each Indian can help the Indian economy. You can find some of the alternative products of for the international brands.
Instead of buying the international brands, you can buy our Indian brands which are completely made in India. Each Indian can make a big change by purchasing Indian products. We are not against to international brands. But as an Indian, we should help the economy of India. Please remember some of the countries that attained economic freedom such as Russia, Mexico and Korea. Economic Independence is more important than the political freedom.
It is obvious that we cannot consider all the above Indian products, but for the sake of country, we should try to help the economy.
Be Indian! Buy Indian!!

Please share this article and spread the awareness to all Indians. As an Indian, we should share!!!

Contribution: Pillars of India


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Pillars of India & Arani ExNoRa's Tree Plantation at Arani Police Station

Tree Plantation! Serving to the Environment!! Saving the Naure!!!

The contribution of Pillars of India and Arani ExNoRa to our Environment. 

Pillars of India and Arani ExNoRa Volunteers planted more than 20 saplings at Arani Police Station on Sunday (1.7.12). Sub Inspector Police and Police Constables of Arani Police Station encouraged and supported our Pillars for our successful Tree Plantation at Police Station. Some of the moments are presented here for you. We can proudly say "Together We Can Change The Nation".