Friday, October 19, 2012

Global Warming Statistics 2012 - Global Warming Effect Increases CO2 Level and Sea Level

Global Warming CO2 Level - Historical Data
Global Warming CO2 Level - Historical Data

Global Warming Sea Level Change - Latest Statistics
Global Warming Sea Level Change - Latest Statistics

Global Warming - Artic Ocean Ice Level
Global Warming - Artic Ocean Ice Level

Global Warming - CO2 Level in the Atmosphere - Latest Data
Global Warming - CO2 Level in the Atmosphere - Latest Data

Global Warming - Ocean Temperature Level
Global Warming - Ocean Temperature Level

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Past and Future Welfare Activities of Arani ExNoRa

We are very proud to inform you that the Arani ExNoRa and Pillars of India have done several social welfare activities in this year (2012) for the people of Arani under different categories. Some of them are 1. Job camp at Arani in collaboration with TVS Sundaram Brake Linnings, 2. Star Tree Plantation Project at Lord Shiva temple, 3. Career Development Program for students in both Higher Secondary Schools in Arani, 4. Soft Skill Development Program for 200 students from Girls.Hr.Sec.School in collaboration with Tamilnadu Foundation (USA), 5. Anganwadi Toilet construction and Water facilities at Malliyan Kuppam village in collaboration with Lions Club of Annanagar, 6. Planted 500 tree saplings at MKV.Govt.Hr.Sec.School, Girls Hr.Sec.School, Athi Kulam, Thoota Street, Sannadhi Street and a part of Bazaar Street in Arani Town Panchayat (Green 500 Tree Plantation Project). We thank you for your support to achieve success in these social welfare activities. We also expect the same from you for our further activities for the people of Arani Town Panchayat.

Arani ExNoRa Logo
Arani ExNoRa
(Affiliated to ExNoRa International)
A Division of Pillars of India, Regd. 265/2012
 Some of our future activities: 1. Soft Skill Development Program for Students in MKV.Govt.Hr.Sec.School, 2. Free Computer Classes 3. Tree Plantation in the remaining places of Arani (we are expecting your valuable suggestions for tree plantation in each and every ward), 4. Plastic Awareness Program, 5. Solid Waste Management with the support of Arani Town Panchyat, 6. Free Toilets for needy people, 7. Free Spoken English Classes for students and 8. Smokeless Stoves for Anganwadies. (Note: We welcome your suggestions)

We are expecting your support to change our Arani as a Model Town Panchyat. 

“Together We Can Change Our Arani and Our Nation”

Sunday, September 9, 2012

6 Steps to Reduce Global Warming Effect

Carbon dioxide is one of the major reasons for the global warming. The increase in the level of carbon dioxide by burning the fuels such as oil, natural gas and gasoline result in the global warming. Global warming can be avoided further by saving the energy and reducing the demand for the fossil fuels. Some simple actions to avoid global warming are discussed here.

Global Warming
Global Warming (Global Warning)

1. Reduce waste and Reuse
Instead of disposals, you can use reusable products to reduce the waste. Reducing the solid waste will help to reduce the level of carbon dioxide in the environment.
2. Avoid Plastic Usage
Usage of plastic carry bags and other plastic products is the well known reason for the global warming. In the recent days most of the cities are in the action to ban the usage of plastic carry bags to protect the environment from global warming. However, without the contribution and support of the people, this cannot be achieved by the Government or any Non-Governmental Organization. Use cotton or paper made bags instead of plastic carry bags.
3. Change the light bulb
Replace the 60 watt / 100 watt bulbs with the CFL (Compact Fluorescent Light) bulbs to save more energy and reduce more heat. This helps to reduce more than 70% heat and saves more than 60% of energy. This not only saves your environment but also your money. Usage of CFL bulbs helps to reduce the level of greenhouse gases. So replace the bulbs with CFL bulbs wherever possible.

Global Warming Causes and Effects
Global Warming Causes and Effects

4. Avoid air-conditioning usage whenever possible
Use air-conditioning or heaters only if necessary and don’t forget to switch off when it is not necessary. The same is applicable for other electronic devices such as fans, lights, music system, computer, cell phone charger, etc.
 5. Reduce Petrol / Diesel Consumption
Avoid travelling in bikes and cars to your nearby places. Improve your habit of walking and cycling. Keep your tyres and engines of your bikes and cars proper. This helps to increase he mileage and reduce the Petrol / Diesel consumption. Always prefer motors with high mileage factor instead of style and cost. This not only reduces your money but also saves the environment by reducing the level of carbon dioxide.  
6. Plant Trees and encourage others to plant trees
Finally, it is an important step to boost your environment with the oxygen. Plant more trees wherever / whenever possible and motivate others to plant more trees. Everyone knows the importance of trees, but most of the people are not ready to give our time for the tree plantation. Plant more trees. Avoid Global Warming.
Global Warming is the Global Warning to our environment”.
Please give your support and contribution to save nature and avoid further global warming.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Tree Plantation Tips - How to Plant a Tree

Planting a tree is not just digging the soil and put the tree sapling in it. Tree planting is an art of giving rebirth to the tree saplings. Still some of us do not aware on the proper way to plant and maintain the trees. Here are some tips for planting the tree saplings.

1.  Selection of the right time to plant a tree is very important. Do not prefer summer or late summer for planting the trees. Always prefer early rainy season for planting trees. This climate will be more suitable for newly planted trees.
2. Selection of the right place for tree plantation is the next step. The space required for the trees should be considered based on the type of the trees and its growth in the future.
3. Preparation of the hole: Digging the hole for tree plantation is to be considered for better growth and survival of the tree. The hole should be too deeper or short / too wider or narrow. Proper width and height of the hole will increase the survival fitness of the trees. The hole should be 3 times wider than the diameter of the actual root ball of the tree sapling.
4. Planting the tree: The soil attached with the root ball of the tree should not be removed and it should be planted in the hole along with the tree sapling. While filling the hole, the soil which was taken last from the ground should be filled in the hole. This helps to maintain the required moisture and temperature required for the root ball of the tree. Use some compost with the soil to fill the hole. If the quality of the soil is not good, then this compost will be more beneficial to increase the richness of the soil. Applying some organic mulch around the tree will increase the quality of the soil and protect the tree from soil erosion.
5. Water the tree after the plantation: Watering the newly planted tree will set the soil in the hole and eliminate the air from the hole. 4 litres of water for a 15 cm tree is enough ensure its survival in the ground. The watering should be continued at least for one year for the road side trees which are plated only for the purpose of shade. Watering should be continued on weekly basis (Weekly twice or thrice for one year) for these types of trees. Water daily for the trees which are planted for the purpose of fruits and flowers and this can be continued till the life of the tree.

Tree Plantation Tips
How to Plant a Tree - Tree Plantation Tips
 Hope this article on Tree Plantation is useful for you. We welcome your support and suggestions for Tree Plantation.
"Plant Trees = Save Nature"

Plastic Carry Bags Ban Initiative – Arani Town Panchayat

The usage of Plastic carry bags has been banned in Arani Town Panchayat for very first time in the Ponneri Taluk. Very few town panchayats in Thiruvallur district, Tamilnadu have banned the usage of Plastic carry bags to avoid plastic wastage. Arani Town Panchayat is very proud to be one among them on plastic carry bags ban. The plastic bag ban came to effect in Arani on August 2012.
Plastic Bags Ban Poster in a Shop at Arani Town Panchayat

 However, some people and merchants are stilling using the plastic bags, most of the people at Arani Town Panchayat started to bring their own shopping bags for their different shopping experiences in the Streets of Arani. The Pillars of India and Arani ExNoRa are planning to conduct a “Plastic Ban Awareness Program” to give the awareness about the importance to stop the usage of plastic carry bags. Hope this Plastic ban awareness program will stimulate every individual to stop using plastic bags. 
"Say No to Plastic Bags!"
"Together We Can Change The Nation!"  

The “Green 500” Tree Plantation Project – Session 2

The second session of our Tree Plantation Project “Green 500” has been conducted on second day of this month (2nd September). The Pillars and ExNoRans approached the Headmaster and other School authorities of Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Arani to conduct their second session of the “Green 500” Tree Plantation Project. The support of the Headmaster and the school authorities motivated the volunteers of Pillars of India and Arani ExNoRa to plant more than 70 trees on the same in and around the Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Arani. We thank the Headmaster and Mr. Baskarbabu Sir for their tremendous support to the Pillars of India and Arani ExNoRa. We hope this Tree Plantation Project will be completed in the next session of tree plantation at Arani Town Panchayat. We welcome your ideas and support to the further innovative social service activities of our organization.
Some moments of the second session of “Green 500” Tree Plantation Project are visualized here.

Digging for Plantation

Marking for Tree Plantation

Marking for Tree Plantation

Tree Saplings Distribution to Interested Home makers

Tree Saplings at Govt Girls Higher Secondary School Arani

After Tree Plantation at School

After Tree Plantation at School

Pillars are Planting Trees on Roads next to School

Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Arani

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Tree Saplings distribution by Pillars of India and Arani ExNoRa in the Marriage reception

As the part of our “Green 500” tree plantation project, the “Pillars of India” and “Arani ExNoRa” distributed tree saplings in the Joint Secretary’s marriage reception. The marriage reception of our Pillars of India’s Joint Secretary Mr. P. Dinakaran was held on 19.8.12 at Anitha Thirumana Mandabam, Arani. The volunteers of Pillars of India and Arani ExNoRa have planned to make the reception in an innovative way by distributing the tree saplings for people who attend the marriage function. The same has been achieved by the Pillars and ExNoRans on the same day by distributing the tree saplings in the marriage reception for the very first time in Arani Town Panchayat. The main motivation of this event is to create awareness on the importance of tree plantation and involve people to make “Green Arani”.   

Some moments of the “Green Marriage Reception” are presented here.
Pillars with Saplings

Saplings Distribution

Tree Saplings in the marriage reception hall

Saplings sponsord by Pillars of India and Arani ExNoRa

Saplings distribution

Involvement of Senior Citizen on Tree Plantation

Awareness on Tree Plantation

Tree Saplings distribution

Inovolvement of Home makers

Support from the Public

Tree sapling distribution

Involvement of Senior Citizen

Involvement of Senior Citizen

Involvement of Senior Citizen

Involvement of Senior Citizen

One of the Pillar distributing Tree Sapling

Tree sapling distribution

Involvement of Senior Citizen

Volunteers of "Pillars of India" and "Arani ExNoRa"