Sunday, April 22, 2012

Career Guidance Program - Session 2 by Pillars of India & Arani ExNoRa

Career Guidance Program - Session 2  for girls by Pillars of India & Arani ExNoRa

Summary of the Program
Session taken by Mr.Balaji Jayaram
Number of individuals benefited by the program 48
Place – Community Hall, Arani
Date – 15th April 2012, 10am to 1.30pm

Balaji Jayaram - while taking session

Mr. P. Suresh - Presenting memento to Mr. BaskarBabu  

Mr. P. Suresh - Presenting memento to Mr. Giridharan

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Career Guidance Program at Arani - Image Gallery

Mr. Baskar - Presenting the session

Mr. P. Suresh - Motivating Students

We are in the right path to bring our younger generation to reach their academic goals. Please share your ideas and suggestions to improve our service. Please give your comments in the comment box. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Personality development program for students at Arani by professionals from Bangalore

Personality development program for students at Arani by professionals from Bangalore
Another good attempt by Pillars of India and Arani ExNoRa towards the students of Arani. As we discussed earlier, the personality development program by experts from Bangalore will be conducted in Arani on 18th & 19th May 2012. Thanks to Mr. Natesan, Senator of ExNoRa, for the arrangement of this program.
This is just preliminary information about the program to you. The detailed information of the program will be informed soon.  
For further details, Contact  
Please give your suggestions and ideas to improve our services. Your suggestions will improve our service for sure. 
Thanks for your support.

Career Guidance Program at Arani – A good beginning of Educational services

Career Guidance Program at Arani – A good beginning of Educational services
Dear Pillars and ExNoRans,
The Pillars of India & Arani ExNoRa are really proud to inform of our career guidance program was a great success. The program was conducted on 8.4.2012 and it has attained a great value among the Students, Teachers and Parents in and around Arani. Interest of the students and encouragement from the teachers are really motivating us to perform better in our further education related services and activities. We thank Mr. Baskar, who shared his knowledge on variety of courses for students after +2 and   Mr. Karthikeyan Dellikumar, who was the reason for the technological presentation of our Career guidance program.
A special thanks to Mr. Natesan, Senator, Arani ExNoRa and Mrs.Mayuri C.H.Sekar for their massive support and encouragement.  

Summary of the Program
Session taken by Mr. Baskar
Number of individuals benefited by the program 45
Place – Community Hall, Arani
Date – 8th April 2012, 10am to 1.30pm

The second session of Career Guidance program will be conducted for Girls who have completed +1 and +2 this year.
Place – Community Hall, Arani
Date – 15th April 2012, 10am

Friday, April 6, 2012

Invitation for Career Guidance Program at Arani

All is well from the side of Pillars of India and Arani ExNoRa

Pillars of India and Arani ExNoRa have planned to conduct a Career Guidance Program for +2 students (Boys only) on this Sunday (8 April, 2012). 

We are inviting you all to participate in the session and guide our students.

This is the session for +2 Students to start their bright career and reach at right destination.

Place: Community Hall, Arani (Near Mosque) 
Date:  8th April, 2012 
Time: 10 AM

Note: Career Guidance Program for +2 Girls will be conducted on 15 April, 2012 (Sunday)