Monday, December 26, 2011

Arani ExNoRa preliminary meet

First impression is the best impression – First meet is the best meet

The day started with Christmas wishes.
Yes today is Christmas Eve.
We too sent SMS wishes to our friends.
The other important is
The rise of Arani ExNoRa.
Yes today we like to assemble for Arani ExNoRa’s first meet in our home town. 

Arani ExnoRa – Preliminary meet.
This Christmas is an important day for our Arani and our Pillars of India team. We have successfully conducted our first preliminary meet with our guests from ExNoRa international. This is our initial success to start Arani ExNoRa in our home town.

Arani ExNoRa preliminary meet – overview
Date: 25.12.12 Time: 10.00 AM       Place: Community centre, Arani
Chief Guests:
Mr. Natesan – Senator, ExNoRa International
Mrs. C.H. Mayuri Sekar – Thiruvallur district coordinator, ExNoRa International
Mr. G.B. Venkatesan - President, Arani
Mr. Krishnan, Vice President, Arani and
Ward members of Arani
Program started exactly at 10am.   Chief guests arrived in time.
All members invited guests with cheerful faces at the entrance. This reflected our culture and hospitality .Only six chairs on the dais for our guests. Instead of shawls, Books and Dairies given by our pillars as a gift.

Pillars were introduced at the beginning.
Meeting started with hundreds of claps.
Senator, Mr. Natesan shared his experience with ExNoRa from 90’s. In our area he was the reason to built 6 check dams across the Arani river. He also started computer centre at Ponneri library for girls recently. He promised to do more works in and around Arani through Arani ExNoRa. 

Mrs. Mayuri Sekar, Thiruvallur District co-coordinator, ExNoRa International, motivated our Pillars in so many ways. She also advised 5 heads of departments. In turn, they also promised to keep her advice in their actions. 

Mr. G.B. Venkatesan, President, Arani, was so different in his speech. Initially he supported our Pillars for Arani activities and also ready to sacrifice his life for Arani development. Mr. Krishnan, Vice President, Arani, also given his support to Mrs. Mayuri and Mr. Natesan.
Ward members of Arani are participated too. Books were presented to the following ward members.
Ward 1 – Mr. Siva subramaniam
Ward 6 – Mr.RRR. Ravi
Ward 7 – Mr. Dilli
Ward 5 – Mr. Durgaprasad on behalf of Mrs. Padma
Ward 13 – Mr. Dr. Balamurugan
Ward 14  - Mr. Devarajan

Even retired Head Masters Mr. Chinnayan, Arani and Mr. Kamaraj, Thiruvannamalai encouraged our youth.
Thanks to all members those who came in time and supported us to finish our meet as a successful event.

“Together we can change the nation”

Employment Services from Arani ExNoRa & Pillars of India

Dear Pillars,
Message from D. Saravanan, Executive Head (Employment Services)

Hi Guys,

Hope everyone doing good.

We had a great kick start of our work on Sunday (25-12-2011) with EXNORA team. Hope everyone enjoyed the meeting and got useful information regarding the services what we are going to do and who is going to take care of what field.

We split the fields into 5 and the executive head for those five fields listed below,

Employment Services                    -              Saravanan. D
Educational Services                      -              Nithyanandham. V
Environment Services                   -              Balaji Ashok. P
Health & Medical services          -              Rajesh Kumar. K
Team management                        -              Dinakaran

Hi all,

This is Saravanan D who is taking care of “Employment Services” in our team. As I am taking this service, I need help from you guys to succeed in that field to get a job for the people who really need it. For that what we have to do is, we need to get the details from every street in our place “ARANI” whoever is completed their education like schools or colleges and searching for a job and whoever looking for a better job from their current job. I need those people details like RESUME or BIO-DATA or CURRICULAM VITAE or at least the below mentioned details to proceed further in our service.

1.       Name and Address with Date of Birth
2.       Mobile Number                                                                               These Five must be provided
3.       E-Mail Id
4.       Father’s Name
5.       Educational/Academic Details
6.       Work Experience If any
7.       Extra Curricular Activities Details If any
8.       Courses done If any
9.       Projects Done If any

I believe you got my point clear. If you need any clarification regarding this “EMPLOYMENT SERVICES” kindly get back to us thru this mail id.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Story Behind Arani ExNoRa

Dear Pillars,
Wishes to win
Submitting few lines for your kind attention of our past......

13 Nov 2011
For the development of Arani we (Balaji Jayaram, Rajesh Kumar, Saravnan, Thomas, Nithyanandham, Balaji Ashok, Jai ganesh with Mr. P. Suresh Sir have gathered and discussed at Balaji Jayaram’s residence (54, S.P. Koil Street, Arani) and decided to start an association (Pillars of India) in our home town (On 13 Nov 2011). We have planned to start our activities with the educational services (Spoken English class) and environmental services. Regarding this we spent two Sundays for future development.

20 Nov 2011
Based on the analysis of some streets in Arani, we selected Sannadhi Street to begin our environmental services. We got the support of Dinakaran and Suresh (Sannadhi street volunteers) to start our activities at Sannadhi Street. We planned for tree plantation at Sannadhi street, based on the analysis we decided to plant maximum of 7 trees in that street. In the mean time we got an appointment with an English tutor Mr. Baskar (Velammal School) (through Thomas) to start spoken English class for schools children. The Spoken English classes will be started very soon in our home town.

27 Nov 2011
A good start in our initial focus on Sannadhi street held on 27 Nov 2011.
Our team representatives met Dr. Balamurugan (13th ward member, Arani) and Mr. Mannis Murali (Sannadhi Street).
(With the support of Mr. Mannis Murali and residents of Sannadhi Street) We wrote an application to clean Sannadhi Street (which was not cleaned regularly) on the first day, singned by residents of Sannadhi Street and submitted to Mr. G.B. Venkatesan (President, Arani) through Dr. Balamurugan (13th ward member, Arani) on 28 Nov 2011. President was so fast; it was cleaned on the same day. This was our first success. The reason is our unity and dedication.

4 Dec 2011
This was the day when we got an introduction of a kind personality Mr. Natesan (Senator, Exnora international) who was reason to built six check dams across the Arani river. Balaji Jayaram, Mr. Murali, Dinakaran and Suresh went to meet him to get advice to start our activities at Arani. We met him in his residence at Karanodai (Vijaya Farm house). We had good time with him and gathered some knowledge to move further with our activities. On the same day evening, we met Mr. Baskar (English tutor) and discussed about the pros and cons on taking classes to students at Girls high school, Arani. Due to various reasons, we could not start our Spoken English classes for students.

8 Dec 2011
We got a contact of Agarwal Eye hospital and they approached us to conduct eye camp at Arani with the help of our team. Again we met some barriers to conduct the camp at Arani since the hospital authorities were not ready to provide free medical service to our people.

10 Dec 2011
Mr. P. Suresh sir and Mr. Muralai went to meet Mr. M.B. Nirmal (Founder- Exnora International) at his residence. He was very happy. He introduced Mr. Ramadoss (Vice President – Exnora) and Mrs. Mayuri Sekar (Thiruvallur coordinator – Exnora) and other five persons.

11 Dec 2011
Meet with ward members of Arani
Some of our Pillars planned to meet President and ward members of Arani. On the same day we met very few of the ward members (5 ward members) and got their support to perform further. We met President of Arani to get the support of Arani Panchayat to continue with our service activities at our home town.

12 Dec 2011
Our Pillars K. Rajesh kumar and Jaiganesh worked hard to conduct eye camp at Arani. Rajesh kumar was contacted some trusts to get information about medical camps.

16 Dec 2011
Mr. P. Suresh sir, Mr. Krishnan (Vice President – Arani) and Sureendar (TV reporter) went to meet Mr. Natesan sir to discuss about further developments at Arani. The services regarding, spoken English, Employment services, Personality development, etc were discussed in that meet.

18 Dec 2011
The Pillars were registered their names and agreed to be a part of our team. We met enough young people on the same day and got their support to start our activities at Arani.

20 Dec 2011
Mr. P. Suresh sir and Sureendar went to meet Mr. Natesan sir to get information about Exnora international and to bring the Exnora branch to Arani. This meet was influenced them to move further with the registration for the Arani Exnora branch.

22 Dec 2011
Mr. P. Suresh and Sureendar went to Exnora head office and got confirmation to start Exnora projects at Arani. They met Mr. Chidhambaram (General secretary – Exnora) and some other active members of Exnora at head office and got their support.
As the result of our try, the authorities of ExNoRa nodded their head to start waste management projects at Arani. We will have a meet with some authorities of ExNoRa from head office on Sunday (25.12.2011) 9 AM at Samudhaya Koodam, Arani (Near Mosque).
As per the suggestions of our volunteers from Pillars of India, we have selected the Executive Team Heads for our future projects at Arani. The detail of the executive heads goes here,
Employment Services - Saravanan. D
Educational Services - Nithyanandham. V
Environment Services - Balaji Ashok. P
Health & Medical services - Rajesh Kumar. K
Team management - Dinakaran

23 Dec 2011
Mr. P. Suresh sir spoke with Ramakrishna Mission to bring their social services to Arani. They agreed to provide free computer classes and nursing training for girls in the age group of 18 to 23.

“Together we can change the nation”

Thursday, December 22, 2011

First meet with ExNoRa Team

Dear Pillars,

It is really pleasure to inform that we are in the right path to ‘Clean & Green Arani’. We were trying hard to bring the ExNoRa international projects to our Arani to clean our town. As the result of our try, the authorities of ExNoRa nodded their head to start their waste management projects in Arani.

Coming Sunday (25.12.2011) at 9 AM, we have a meet with some authorities of ExNoRa from head office. We are full heartedly inviting you to participate in the preliminary meeting which will be conducted in Arani itself. The actual place of meet at Arani will be announced as soon as possible.

As per the suggestions of our volunteers from Pillars of India, we have selected the Executive Team Heads for our future projects at Arani. The detail of the executive heads goes here,
Employment Services             -           Saravanan. D
Educational Services               -           Nithyanandham. V
Environment Services             -           Balaji Ashok. P
Health & Medical services     -           Rajesh Kumar. K
Team management                -           Dinakaran
Thank you for the support of all volunteers who have taken their individual responsibilities to bring the Clean & Green Arani. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pillars of India (Indhiyavin Thoongal)

Pillar of India is an association engaged in offering different kind of social services. Our mission is to help those who need it. We ensure that our services bring a significant change in the lives of many people in our nation.
The Pillars of India provides free educational services to students to support their academic and their future career development.
The Pillars of India focuses on saving natural resources and bring a clean environment for the peaceful and Healthy India.
The Pillars of India provides Health & Medical services through medical camps and health awareness programs.

Pillars of India